ROUTENAV README.TXT The ROUTENAV.ZIP file should contain the following files: * ROUTENAV.EXE: The Main Program * NAVIGATE.EXE: The Flight Planning Module. You cannot run this alone. It must be run from ROUTENAV * ADD_NAV.EXE: Utility program for updating your airport database without overwriting the changes already made. * A.IDX through Z IDX: The Navaid Database Files * AIRCRAFT.DAT: The Aircraft Database File * ROUTENAV.DOC: The ROUTENAV Manual * ADD_NAV.TXT: ADD_NAV Documentation * README.TXT: This File NOTE: ROUTENAV will create a file called SETUP.OVL when you configure the program. ROUTENAV Updates VER 1.1 * Fixed the 0.0 fuel consumption problem. When you entered a decimal point in the Fuel Consumption field when entering a new aircraft, the fuel for each leg of the flight plan came out as 0.0. * Disabled the mouse on the subscreens where field input is required. The program would crash if the mouse was used to select a field on a subscreen (IAS settings, Frequencies, etc.). VER 1.2 * Added an "Airport Database Not Found" check. If the directory for the database files specified in the SETUP menu was incorrect, or did not contain any database files, the program would crash. ROUTENAV now displays "Airport Database Not Found" and asks you to check the setup directories. * Fixed the program crash if an IDX file did not exist. When the program searches the database, it searches each IDX file (A-Z) alphabetically. The X.IDX file contains no airports, so the file length is 0. If you tried to copy the *.idx files from one place to another from DOS, DOS would not copy the X.IDX file because it contained 0 bytes. Therefore, when ROUTENAV was searching the database, it would try to read the X.idx file, but would crash when it didn't find it. The program now will create an IDX file if it finds the major files (M, N, R, S, T), but doesn't find the one it's looking for. VER 2.0 * Fixed the program crash if you tried to find a navaid by name, but misspelled it, or the navaid didn't exist. * Added the ADD_NAV utility program to update your current airport database without overwriting any changes you've already made to the database. VER 2.1 * Fixed the problem when finding a searching for a navaid by name. If the navaid was not found, the program would delete all information from the IDX file. * Fixed another problem that occured when searching for a file by name. If the navaid was found, the program would select a random navaid (usually garbage) instead of the navaid selected. * Fixed the program crash that occured when trying to save a Route. The program would cause a Runtime 004 error. * Fixed the ADD_NAV.EXE program to update all of the new airports. VER 2.2 * Corrected the Ground Speed accuracy problem. VER 2.3 * Added more detailed Altitude and Wind entry options. Individual altitudes and wind aloft data may now be entered for each leg of the route. * The Navaid database is now sorted by ID instead of by name. This allows much faster search times when selecting the navaids by ID. INSTALLATON: To install ROUTENAV, simply go to the directory you want to use as the ROUTENAV directory and UNZIP the ROUTENAV.ZIP file. For example, if ROUTENAV.ZIP is on drive A: and you wanted ROUTENAV in C:\ROUTENAV, you would go to the C:\ROUTENAV directory and type PKUNZIP A:ROUTENAV (assuming PKUNZIP.EXE is in the path). The ROUTENAV files will then be uncompressed in the C:\ROUTENAV directory. Type ROUTENAV to run the program. The first thing you should do when you run the program is select SETUP from the main screen to enter your preferences. To run ROUTENAV, make sure you are in the directory containing ROUTENAV.EXE and type ROUTENAV and press the ENTER key. Refer to the ROUTENAV.DOC file for ROUTENAV operation. NOTE: ROUTENAV is the result of many months work. Any comments about problems with the program, or possible future enhancements are greatly appreciated. I am not currently a private pilot, but I have been studying aviation for the past four years. My hope, is that the proceeds from ROUTENAV will be enough to finally get my private ticket. Thank you, in advance, for your registration. This program is Shareware. You may freely copy and distribute it, but you may not charge for the program (copying and shipping costs only). Registered users will receive: * A FREE update * Database updates as they become available * A bound printed copy of the Documentation. * Telephone support. * Deletion of the Reminder Screen ___________________________________________________________________________ ROUTENAV REGISTRATION FORM Name ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _________ Country ___________________________ Telephone ___________________________ Where did you obtain ROUTENAV? MEDIA: ( ) 360k 5 1/4 disks ( ) 1.2 Mb 5 1/4 disk ( ) 3 1/2 disk COMMENTS: No of copies required: _____ @ $45.00 = $ _____ 7% Sales Tax (NY State Only) $ _____ Shipping and Handling $ 5.00 TOTAL $ _____ Check/Money Order only please Checks must be in US Dollars from a US account, payable to: Tom Arduini. Thank-you for your registration. Tom Arduini 32B Hobbes Lane Rochester, NY 14624 (716) 594-5898